TY Trip to Germany

Best wishes to the Transition Year Horticulture students who are part of the The Erasmus+ scheme.  Erasmus+ is a European Union initiative that aims to

TY Students Play Padel

On Thursday, Students from our TY Sports Coaching and Exercise physiology modules travelled to the Padel courts in Carrigtwohill. These students were instructed in how

TY students visit Apple

Last Thursday our TY students were given the fantastic opportunity to visit the Apple European Headquarters in Hollyhill for a guided tour of the campus.

Basketball Campus Clash

This week we had the ultimate Campus Clash with Staff v Students Basketball finale in the Sports Hall.  

Chess Champs

Well done to our chess team who travelled to Nenagh yesterday for the Checkmate Finals 2024. Our team A placed 7th out of 27 teams

Erasmus+ Scholarship

We wish our Form 5 students Aoife, Daniel and Emma with Helen and Niamh, from Transition Year, the very best of luck as they embark

National Soccer Final

Excitement is starting to build as our Minor team continue preparations for next Wednesday’s National Cup Final.  Best of luck to Gemma and her squad

Ballyhass Lakes

Form 2 had a great trip to Ballyhass Mallow today for their final term trip. Well done to all! 

LIFT Program

Well done to those TY students who participated in the Lift program this week. LIFT Ireland grew out of a desire to change our country

U15 Rugby

Well done to the U15’s boys rugby team that took part in the final rugby blitz of the season at Musgrave Park. The boys played