National Soccer Final

Excitement is starting to build as our Minor team continue preparations for next Wednesday’s National Cup Final.  Best of luck to Gemma and her squad

Ballyhass Lakes

Form 2 had a great trip to Ballyhass Mallow today for their final term trip. Well done to all! 

LIFT Program

Well done to those TY students who participated in the Lift program this week. LIFT Ireland grew out of a desire to change our country

U15 Rugby

Well done to the U15’s boys rugby team that took part in the final rugby blitz of the season at Musgrave Park. The boys played

Merck School Final

Well done to our Applied Science TY students who yesterday took part in their internal school final. With two Merck representatives judging their projects, the

Festal Diocesan Service

On Sunday Evening, 14th April, the College Choir, directed by Dr Sexton, sang ‘Most Glorious Lord of Life’. The work is a charming and unusual

National Award for MC Student

Well done and congratulations to Form 5 student, Aoife, for achieving 3rd place in this year’s German essay competition organised by the Irish-Austrian Society.  A