TY students help with Flood Cleanup

Well done to our Transition Year students who worked tirelessly over the last few days, offering their assistance to local businesses and homes in the aftermath

Form 3 Trip to Spain

Welcome back to our Form 3 students who travelled to Salamanca, Spain this past week, no doubt they had better weather there than we had!!

Reunion Dinner

This Saturday the classes of 1993, 2003 and 2013 will have their reunion, with a drinks reception at 5pm in the library, followed by a

Junior Cycle Results

Congratulations to our Transition Year students who received their Junior Cycle Exam results yesterday (Wednesday).

Form 1 Trip

Form 1 had a great afternoon in Ballyannan woods last week for a picnic and series of orienteering activities. Thanks to their form teachers and

Introduction to Self Defence

Well done to our TY students who took part in an ‘Introduction to Self-defence’ course last week. Students engaged in practical self-defense skills that can

Convincing win for Soccer Girls

Congratulations to our girls senior team who had a comprehensive win over Nagle CC, keeping a clean sheet in the first round of the Munster

Italy Trip

Welcome back to the Form VI students who travelled to Italy on the History/Geography/Art trip this week – thank you too to the staff that