LIFT Programme for TY Students

LIFT Programme for TY Students

Midleton College is delighted to announce that 38 of our Transition year students have been recently trained in the LIFT programme and have become our first fully trained LIFT facilitators. Our aim is to empower our young leaders to run the Lift programme in our school. Our new qualified facilitators will train our incoming first years in September. This will be run in conjunction with our First Year Induction programme.

Lifts leadership values include Listening, Positive attitude, Respect, Dedication & Determination, Empathy & Understanding, Innovation and Adaptability and Honesty & Integrity. Well done to all who have successfully completed the course. We would like to give a special thank you to Ms Gill and Ms Moylan who implemented the initiative. Our aim going forward is to get as many of our students trained so that we can be awarded the LIFT FLAG. This flag recognises that our school shares lift’s vision which is about developing our personal leadership values, we can make Ireland a more equal, caring positive society, now and in the future