Celebrating Success: Holi Fest 2023 for Hope Foundation

Celebrating Success: Holi Fest 2023 for Hope Foundation

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who joined us for our vibrant Holi Fest, a joyful celebration filled with color and community spirit, all in support of the Hope Foundation! 🎉

We are thrilled to announce that we raised an impressive €1,775 on the day. These vital funds will go directly towards the Baghar Education Project in Kolkata, illuminating lives with education and opportunities.

The day was not just about fundraising; it was a manifestation of love, compassion, and unity. Delicious food, laughter, and vibrant colors filled the air, creating memories to cherish. Special thanks to our generous sponsors who made the day possible, especially John Tait, who kindly supplied the mouthwatering burgers for the occasion. 🍔

Pictured above are Charlie McBurney and Ashley Roche Forde from the Hope Foundation, along with Mary Linehan, our dedicated Hope Coordinator at the school. Their smiles reflect the joy and success of the day, symbolizing hope and transformation.

This event exemplified what we can achieve when we come together for a common cause. Your support has made a tangible difference in the lives of those in need, and we couldn’t have done it without you.

Here’s to many more celebrations, connections, and contributions towards a brighter future for all. 💫

Thank you once again, from the bottom of our hearts.