Art Sale for Ukraine: A Call for Contributions and Invitation to Opening Night

Art Sale for Ukraine: A Call for Contributions and Invitation to Opening Night

We’re thrilled to announce an upcoming Art Sale dedicated to raising funds for the people of Ukraine. This special event welcomes artwork of all types, including new, preloved, framed, or unframed pieces. Whether you are an artist looking to contribute your creations or an art lover eager to discover new treasures, this sale is an opportunity to support a critical cause.

Here’s how you can participate:

  • Donate a piece: 100% of funds raised from donated artwork will go directly to charities helping those affected by the crisis in Ukraine.
  • Sell a piece: If you choose to sell your artwork, the proceeds will be shared equally between the artist and the charity.

The opening night promises to be an unforgettable experience, taking place on Thursday, 24th November, starting at 7 pm. Celebrated artist Cora Murphy will honor us with her opening remarks, and guests will be treated to wine and canapés.

This is more than just an art sale; it’s a communal effort to aid those in need and an opportunity to come together in the spirit of empathy and creativity. All are welcome to attend this extraordinary event, and all contributions are deeply appreciated.

If you’re interested in donating or selling art for this noble cause or wish to attend the opening night, please mark your calendars and join us in this heartfelt endeavor.

Through art, we can make a difference. Together, we can help those facing unprecedented challenges and connect with one another in a meaningful way. See you on the 24th of November for an evening of art and compassion! 🖼️💖