A Green Milestone for Midleton College: Fourth Green Flag Raised for Travel – A Celebration of Sustainability

A Green Milestone for Midleton College: Fourth Green Flag Raised for Travel – A Celebration of Sustainability

We’re delighted to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Midleton College’s Green School Committee for achieving yet another remarkable milestone: the raising of their fourth green flag! This year, the prestigious award recognized the school’s outstanding commitment to promoting sustainable travel.

Here’s a glimpse of this remarkable achievement:

🎗 A Focus on Travel: This year’s flag honors the hard work and dedication towards encouraging eco-friendly travel methods. Whether it’s cycling, walking, or using public transportation, the whole school community has played a vital role in making this initiative a success.

👩‍🌾 Partners in Green: Special thanks go to Ms. Henry and the horticulture club, whose collaboration has been instrumental in this endeavor. Their synergy with the Green School Committee has created a beautiful harmony of environmental stewardship.

🌺 Looking Ahead to Biodiversity: As we bask in the joy of this achievement, our eyes are set on the next goal – Biodiversity. The exciting prospect of working towards our next flag is already energizing the school community, and we look forward to continuing our partnership with the horticulture club next year.

💚 Gratitude and Community Spirit: We extend our gratitude to every student, teacher, parent, and community member who has contributed to this achievement. Your commitment to a greener future does not go unnoticed, and it’s the collective effort that makes such accomplishments possible.

Join us in celebrating this remarkable achievement and embracing the continued journey towards a sustainable and eco-friendly future. Here’s to a greener tomorrow, one step at a time! 🌳🚲🌍