Celebrating Excellence in Science: Midleton College at National Senior Science Quiz

Celebrating Excellence in Science: Midleton College at National Senior Science Quiz

Science Week brought excitement and achievement for Midleton College as two of our talented teams journeyed to University College Cork (UCC) to compete in the National Senior Science Quiz. With enthusiasm, skill, and determination, both teams made their mark, finishing in the top 10 out of numerous competing schools across the country.

This success speaks volumes about the quality and commitment to the Sciences at Midleton College, reflecting both the hard work of our students and the dedication of our teaching staff.

Yet, the event offered more than just competition; it was also an inspiring and memorable educational experience. The highlight of the day was an unexpected opportunity to meet Declan Kennedy, the renowned author of the students’ Chemistry book. This meeting provided a tangible connection between their studies and the real-world application of science.

The teams returned to school not only proud of their achievements but also fueled by a renewed passion for science, thanks to their interaction with a figure who has greatly influenced their learning journey.

The entire Midleton College community extends heartfelt congratulations to our Science Quiz teams for their exceptional performance and acknowledges the supportive role of their teachers in guiding and preparing them for this competition.

This event underscores the vibrant and dynamic nature of scientific education at Midleton College, where academic achievement meets real-world engagement. Well done to all involved! 🧪🎉