A Gallant Fight in the Mungret Shield Final: Our JCT’s Hold Their Heads High

A Gallant Fight in the Mungret Shield Final: Our JCT’s Hold Their Heads High

Musgrave Park bore witness to a clash of titans on Thursday, as our courageous JCT’s battled it out in the Mungret Shield Final against Colaiste Cholim. Though they emerged as runners-up with a score of 24-13, the scoreboard doesn’t begin to capture the heart, soul, and mettle poured into the game.

The wind howled, but so did our team! Philips Akhilomen launched himself across the line for a thrilling try, while Harry Ellis defied the gusts to kick the remaining points. Every tackle, every pass, every sprint resonated with the relentless spirit of Midleton College.

Though the victory may have slipped through our fingers this time, the fight shown by the team was nothing short of heroic. They wore their hearts on their sleeves, they played with passion, and they did themselves and the school incredibly proud.

A heartfelt thank you to Mr. Aherne, all the coaches, and the fantastic supporters who cheered our boys on, come wind or shine. Your encouragement fueled their determination, and your pride in them is a victory in itself.

For those wishing to relive the moments of glory and grit, head over to the gallery section, where photos from the match will transport you back to that windy field of dreams.

Here’s to our JCT’s – not just for what they achieved but for how they achieved it. You may not have won the shield, but you’ve won our admiration and respect. Onward and upward, Midleton College warriors! 🛡️🏃